

The Ndengera Clinic started as a small two-room building that medical teams from the US would come to give medical care.  Through the passion and commitment of Dr. Chris Finley, an ER physician from Vancouver, Washington, the clinic has grown exponentially in the last ten years.

The clinic today is a is staffed by local physicians and nurses and is capable of screening and treating early cervical cancer, provide vasectomies, perform ultrasounds and various other outpatient medical care.  It also has dedicated ½ day a week to charity care for children and boasts the largest maternity wing in Western Rwanda.

The clinic is mostly self-sustaining through the Rwandan government health insurance.  The maternity wing income enables the clinic to provide trauma care and care for uninsured children.

The clinic has slowly evolved and is constantly in need of newer and more advanced equipment as well as expanding the ever-growing population they serve.